Child smiling


At Pop Education, we have always championed diversity, inclusivity and social justice in our workplace, community and with our clients. Our RAP journey ensures that the meaningful steps we take toward reconciliation are included in this support as well.

We embarked on this journey close to 12 months ago and our Reflect RAP was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia in January. The Reflect RAP runs for 12 months and we are committed to scoping and investigating relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders. The Reflect RAP allows us to decide our vision for reconciliation and explore our sphere of influence.

As our team is geographically dispersed, we have an opportunity to not only explore and learn about the Indigenous culture and history in Bendigo but in all the parts of the country where our team members are based.

Throughout the research end execution phase of our Reflect RAP, we have been left in awe of the rich tapestry of Aboriginal history that combines education, communication, art and language. To live and work on lands that have been cultivated by the Indigenous culture and spirit for over 60,000 years is truly a privilege.

The Reflect phase has also allowed us to recognise the gaps in our knowledge and how for most of us, the Indigenous history we were taught at school differs from reality. The process has been an education for us all and one where we can share what we have learnt within our organisation, our communities, our families and our clients to foster the spirit of education and reconciliation.

The next phase, which we will commence in 2023 is the Innovate phase where we will gain an even deeper understanding of our sphere of influence and further ways to advance reconciliation through developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Working in the education sector and our commitment to learning provides us with the unique opportunity to weave the spirit and language of reconciliation through the resources we write and actively support the learning process for all who come into contact with our work. We want to share what we learn and as Pop Education grows and matures we will focus on promoting respect, celebration, recognition and belonging.

We are proud of our endorsement and of the steps we have taken thus far to increase our knowledge and awareness. We also recognise that we have much to learn and are committed to our reconciliation journey and a collaborative partnership with Reconciliation Australia.