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Assessment Content development Creativity Design Facilitation Sparks Professionalism Remote
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Assessment Content development Creativity Design Facilitation Sparks Professionalism Remote
By Melissa Watkins Yep, Dolly had it right – there is a better way to working than 9 to 5. And it is important to recognise this on International Women’s Day because it wasn’t so long ago that women were denied choice in the workforce because, quite simply, they were women. Of course, there is still [...]
By Liz Meadows How seriously have you taken the act of reflective practice in your role? Is it something you've dedicated much time towards? I recommend you investigate reflective practice further. Dedicate some time to it and seek to improve, regardless of what role you may have, or what industry you work in. I recently had [...]
By Liz Meadows According to Monty Python in the Life of Brian, it was either the cheesemakers or the Greek who would inherit the earth. It was finally uncovered that it would, in fact, be the meek who would inherit the earth. Nice isn’t it – they have a hell of a time. Not a new [...]
By Melissa Palmer We are in the business of working in and leading eLearning development teams, opportunities to work in remote teams has grown exponentially since COVID. Here at Pop Education, our business has the distinct pleasure of upscaling our team depending on the project and the project skills required. For smaller-scale projects we may find [...]