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Assessment Content development Creativity Design Facilitation Sparks Professionalism Remote
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Assessment Content development Creativity Design Facilitation Sparks Professionalism Remote
By Shauna Farey The Pop Education team are back on board with fresh eyes and eager minds. In the final throes of 2020, our team met in person (we know! In person! It was so exciting!) and enjoyed some fabulous food, friendship, fun and found out more about each other. This event was a team planning/professional [...]
By Liz Meadows How seriously have you taken the act of reflective practice in your role? Is it something you've dedicated much time towards? I recommend you investigate reflective practice further. Dedicate some time to it and seek to improve, regardless of what role you may have, or what industry you work in. I recently had [...]
By Shauna Farey This week is Adult Learners’ Week and it makes me think back to the “reason” I became a trainer and assessor, and what inspires adult learners to learn. To be honest my “reason” for becoming a trainer and assessor began when I was at trade school. You see when I left school, I [...]
By Melissa Palmer I have been thinking about facilitation a lot lately. Mostly because I was reflecting on some of the skills I have not exercised as much while realising some of the skills I have either learnt or exercised more. Facilitation and being in a room with eager participants got me googling and reading and [...]