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Assessment Content development Creativity Design Facilitation Sparks Professionalism Remote
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Assessment Content development Creativity Design Facilitation Sparks Professionalism Remote
Learning how to play new boardgames can show us some important things to remember when designing for learning, whether that be for school students, TAFE students, university students or creating training for company employees. Here are three tips to keep in mind: 1. Start with the end How do you win? That’s often the first thing [...]
By Liz Meadows How seriously have you taken the act of reflective practice in your role? Is it something you've dedicated much time towards? I recommend you investigate reflective practice further. Dedicate some time to it and seek to improve, regardless of what role you may have, or what industry you work in. I recently had [...]
Videos and games often have exciting music and sound effects, narration and audio that hooks us and almost guarantees engagement. Yet when designing online training, audio tends to be an afterthought. Should online training or eLearning courses follow the examples of the entertainment industry? In games, sound effects can carefully teach players without punishing them. A [...]