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Beginning at the end

2021-04-21T09:30:22+10:00April 21st, 2021|Assessment, Blog, Content development, Design|

  By Melissa Watkins Beginning at the end! Sounds a little counter-intuitive I know, but when we are speaking about competency-based training and assessment – it is the only logical place to begin. Having come from a corporate non-accredited training background, the concept of competency standards, performance criteria and rules of evidence was a little foreign [...]

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People, places, names and faces – the importance of narrative in online learning

2021-04-01T12:43:45+10:00April 1st, 2021|Blog, Design|

By Liz Meadows Meet Fred. Fred has to complete a course in order to get the job he wants. Because he is looking to change careers whilst still working to support his family, Fred opts to study online. He enrols in a Certificate IV in Accounting/Bookkeeping and plans on working his way up through the Diploma. [...]

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Engaging end-users with an end game approach – what do we do?

2021-03-04T12:55:24+10:00March 4th, 2021|Blog, Content development, Design|

By Liz Meadows I was scrolling through LinkedIn today and noticed a video about 'how long it takes to make a first impression’. The tag caught me. I watched the first ten seconds as the presenter stood in a generic skirt suit with a generic office background in an overly produced and well-lit manner. She reeled [...]

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Welcome to 2021

2021-01-06T09:50:31+10:00January 4th, 2021|Blog, Design, Facilitation|

By Shauna Farey The Pop Education team are back on board with fresh eyes and eager minds. In the final throes of 2020, our team met in person (we know! In person! It was so exciting!) and enjoyed some fabulous food, friendship, fun and found out more about each other. This event was a team planning/professional [...]

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