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Day of the Unicorn

2021-04-08T13:50:23+10:00April 8th, 2021|Blog, Professionalism, Sparks|

By Liz Meadows The 9th of April is Unicorn Day. As such, I felt it was a good opportunity to investigate this magical beast, celebrate what it symbolises and look at how we at Pop Education relate to it. The Unicorn has long been recognised as a symbol of vision, wisdom, strong gentleness, prosperity, hope, miracles, [...]

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Wake up! How are you managing your sleep?

2021-03-19T11:30:44+10:00March 19th, 2021|Blog, Sparks, Uncategorized|

By Alex Phillips Today is World Sleep Day! And as someone with a 5 month old daughter who has begun teething, I thought it would be a great idea to touch on the importance of sleep. Sleep deprivation can have some pretty devastating effects on an individual. Some symptoms may include: Lack of concentration Becoming more [...]

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We love Pop Education!

2021-02-12T10:57:04+10:00February 12th, 2021|Blog, Sparks|

By Shauna Farey It is almost Valentine’s Day. We all have different views on Valentine’s Day, and we are not here to debate them. Whatever your personal take on Valentine’s Day, it is a day of love! Love doesn’t have to be romantic love. It can be a whole lot of things. “Choose a job you [...]

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The value of ENERGY

2020-10-16T15:38:22+10:00October 16th, 2020|Blog, Remote, Sparks|

By Donna Petrusma I am a company values nerd. There, I’ve said it! I can hear eyes rolling from where I sit in my little, awesome home office, but it is true. At Pop Education, we recently reworked our company values to define who we are now, and what is important to us. It is timely [...]

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