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Pop Education’s RAP journey

2022-07-05T17:04:33+10:00July 5th, 2022|Announcements, Blog, Professionalism|

At Pop Education, we have always championed diversity, inclusivity and social justice in our workplace, community and with our clients. Our RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) journey ensures that the meaningful steps we take toward reconciliation are included in this support as well. We embarked on this journey close to 12 months ago and our Reflect RAP [...]

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Pop celebrates Spina Bifida Awareness Month

2021-10-07T12:52:01+10:00October 7th, 2021|Announcements, Blog, Professionalism|

By Sarah Phillips  Not many of you know this about me, but it is by no means something that I hide. I was born with lipomyelomeningocele, one of a number of forms of Spina Bifida that requires serious surgery in the early years of life. In layman terms, I was born with my spine outside my [...]

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Day of the Unicorn

2021-04-08T13:50:23+10:00April 8th, 2021|Blog, Professionalism, Sparks|

By Liz Meadows The 9th of April is Unicorn Day. As such, I felt it was a good opportunity to investigate this magical beast, celebrate what it symbolises and look at how we at Pop Education relate to it. The Unicorn has long been recognised as a symbol of vision, wisdom, strong gentleness, prosperity, hope, miracles, [...]

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2021-03-31T12:18:17+10:00March 31st, 2021|Blog, Professionalism, Remote|

By Melissa Watkins I’ve won the lottery! Probably something we all wish we could scream from the rooftops one day but alas, the kaching of millions into my bank account isn’t happening any time soon (well, that I’m aware of.) Let me put it to you this way – there’s remote working and then there’s remote [...]

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