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Beginning at the end

2021-04-21T09:30:22+10:00April 21st, 2021|Assessment, Blog, Content development, Design|

  By Melissa Watkins Beginning at the end! Sounds a little counter-intuitive I know, but when we are speaking about competency-based training and assessment – it is the only logical place to begin. Having come from a corporate non-accredited training background, the concept of competency standards, performance criteria and rules of evidence was a little foreign [...]

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Think twice before using multiple choice

2020-10-08T13:51:09+10:00April 12th, 2017|Assessment, Blog|

By Sarah Phillips Multiple choice is a favourite method for many organisations and the people employed to write their assessments, however there are a few things to consider when choosing multiple choice as your choice for collecting evidence which contributes to an assessment of a unit of competency. This article explains why using multiple choice can [...]

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Why do RTO’s struggle with compliance?

2020-10-08T14:18:39+10:00December 30th, 2016|Assessment, Blog|

By Sarah Phillips Yes, many RTOs are non-compliant! It is not uncommon for an RTO to be found non-compliant in what was previously Standard 15 of the Standards for NVR RTOs 2012 when experiencing an audit. Standard One now replaces much of what was this standard prior to 2015. In fact, from October 2013 to March [...]

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